"Orion" by Lambert Davis decoration

The birth chart is an imprint of the sky taken at the moment we take our first breath. Astrologers regard it as a map toward selfhood.

A Christmas Born Capricorn

Born on Christmas Day in 1946, our man is a triple Capricorn with his sun (symbol of the self), moon (emotional need) and Mars (planet of getting it on and getting it done) all falling in the sign of the sea goat

Birth chart Schooner silohuette

Whenever there is a dense concentration of zodiac energy within the birth chart, the person is acutely imbued with the challenges and rewards, virtues and vice, of that particular sign.

Ruled by structured, punishing, daddy planet Saturn, Cap folks are concerned with empire building and legacy making. While they live and die in the here and now, their energetic focus is always and ever directed at what they will leave behind. In the case of Jimmy, he didn’t just get rich, he built a coconut kingdom. He didn’t simply sing about his experiences, he commodified them into folklore, creating an aspirational lifestyle people continue to chase.

Capricorn represents the archetype of the father, and true to this paternal leaning Jimmy beckoned the faithful to the promised land. Kris Kristoffeson sings that Jesus was a Capricorn, and there is certainly something of the messianic in Jimmy with his cheeseburger communion and legion of loyal acolytes.

Stars don’t lie.

As a practical, cardinal earth sign hell bent on capital gains, Capricorns do not abide laziness. Jimmy’s laid back, escapist beach bum persona was just that, a persona. Trust, our man was on his mother trucking grind. One does not amass a billion dollar fortune by day drinking and beach sitting. Neigh. One amasses a billion dollar brand by singing and selling that dream.

Jimmy’s enterprising Capricorn nature can be found in “Margaritaville’s” origin story; stuck in traffic on the 7-mile-bridge, our man took the opportunity of the standstill to put pen to paper and craft an original song. Anyone else might have just listened to the radio. Jimmy wrote an anthem to be played on it.

Mercury in Sagittarius 

Mercury is the planet of language and communication, indicating how we see, interact with and make sense of the world. Jimmy has Mercury in Sagittarius, the sign of Pan, of the storyteller, the yarn spinner, the poetry of puns and the hoped for happy ending. This Mercury finds equal merit in barstool banter and classic literature.

Irreverent and light hearted, these natives get by on a wink and a smile, tongue perpetually tucked in cheek. They see things not as they are but through a lens of levity, a quality expressed in Jimmy’ wry lyrics, sunny side up disposition (as he once espoused, “It takes no more time to see the good side of life than the bad”) and his abject refusal to take himself too seriously.

Midheaven in Cancer

The midheaven is located at the tippy top of the birth chart and is associated with our highest personal aspirations and public perception. Jimmy’s midheaven falls in watery, waning Cancer and serves to explain his inextricable association with islands, oceans and seashores.

Cancer represents the archetype of the divine mother and is ruled by the moon, whose many moods govern the tides of the ocean. Thus, when Jimmy sings to and of the sea, it is a sailor’s call to his own poignant potential.

Paid to Play

Jimmy has Venus, planet of love, aesthetics and cash money conjunct (within three degrees of) Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion in Scorpio. In simple terms, this translates to what you love (Venus) being amplified or serving your road to riches (Jupiter). We can see the clear correlation of this energy in Jimmy’s career and particularly his love for Key West aiding and abetting its incarnation as a tourist mecca.

Scorpio is the sign of power, money, sex, drugs and rock n roll. This configuration ensured Buffett would be drawn to, draw from and get very, very rich promoting a certain kind of vice. Scorpio is ultimately a sign of release, of regeneration. When we add Venus and Jupiter to the mix, liberation becomes a key theme, getting free by getting far out.

Neptune: Paradise for Everyone

Jimmy’s Neptune, planet of dreams and fantasy, falls in equitable, agreeable Libra. This placement suggests a desire to democratize a dream, to allow easy, sonic, access to his concept of paradise. And so he has.

Image: “Orion” by Lambert Davis

Ziola Astrovan
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